Sometimes you just need to distance yourself from people. If they care, they’ll notice. If they don’t, you know where you stand.

>> Friday 19 August 2011

This is exactly what I do all the time, just to see how people react. But the worst thing you could ever imagine is, NOBODY CARES. I mean I could've been kidnapped or beaten up till death and nobody would've noticed. I simply have no one here. Which refers back to my main point, why I really need to get my ass back home. I've realized that getting attached to people is merely a waste, as you try so hard to keep it up, and they'll end up leaving you. Yesterday i said to Azhif, ' One day when you have a girlfriend, please dont leave me '. And he answered me back, ' Don't worry, I wont. ' Then we had the 5 sec of brother-sister moment. Then it ended and we continued eating, HAHAHAHA.


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